Quarrying Method with Diamond Cutting Wire

Quarrying Method with Diamond Cutting Wire

Quarrying Method with Diamond Cutting Wire
Quarrying Method with Diamond Cutting Wire

The diamond wire cutting machine includes a diamond wire 25 to 45 meters long (maximum 150 meters) that is permanently cut on the stone in a certain direction by means of an inch with a guide pulley. For this purpose, first, two vertical holes are dug in the stone that form the block boundary, and the diamond wire is passed through it.

The cutting device is located on the rail while working and it automatically moves on the rail using electronic and hydraulic facilities and pulls itself back by performing the cutting operation. The wire tension, which is about 100 to 150 kg, is kept constant without any movement.

The winch device is usually placed at a 5-8 meters distance from the quarry trench. In this way, about 15 meters of diamond wire works freely. The device mechanism is such that it is possible to cut the stone horizontally or vertically by moving and changing the winch axis direction from horizontal to vertical. Horizontal cutting should be done when the mountain vertical cutting the is not done yet, because otherwise at the end Horizontal cutting may separate the stone block from the mountain and crush the cutting wire that works horizontally.

Mineral blocks transportation After the cutting stage, hydraulic jacks and compression pads are used to separate the cut block from the quarry trench.


Devices Used In The Diamond Cutting Wire Quarrying Method

Cutting machine:

The cutting machine components are: machine engine – reels – rails

Diamond Wire:

The the diamond wire components are: diamond segment (the cutting operation is performed by it) – steel spring – distance ring (bush) – safety ring (industrially, one grain is pressed after every 5 segments) – threaded connections – Steel tow wire

There are different wires for cutting stones with different hardness. The wire speed depends on the stone hardness.

Usually, it is about 20 to 30 meters per second in hard stones and about 30 to 36 meters per second in porcelain and marble stones.

The stone cutting speed depends on the type and stone quality. In marble quarries, it is from 4 to 7 square meters per hour, which in good condition can reach 9 square meters. As a result of the friction that occurs between the wire and the stone, the metal parts of the diamond wire wear out quickly.

Therefore, after cutting 200 to 300 square meters, parts such as springs and connections must be replaced. To avoid possible risks and greater efficiency, daily wire connections controlling is one of the essential tasks. Also, in order to prevent the segments and connections from being thrown when the wire breaks, a safety ring is pressed for each segment.


Effective Parameters In Quarrying Efficiency By Diamond Wire Cutting Method

The important point in the diamond wire optimal use is to produce blocks with minimum cost by adjusting the effective parameters in effective cutting. Several parameters are effective in diamond wire cutting operations, which are generally divided into two uncontrollable parameters groups and relatively controllable parameters. Uncontrollable parameters including physical, mechanical and stone textural characteristics, which must be determined before the cutting operation. After determining the uncontrollable parameters, a good cutting process can be accessed by adjusting the partially controllable parameters. These parameters are briefly given in the table.


Effective Parameters Table in Cutting Performance with Diamond Cutting Wire

Uncontrollable Parameters Relatively Controllable Parameters
Stone Properties Cutting Machine Features Operation Characteristics

Your understanding

Water content

Another degree of Sunny

The discontinuities state

Mineralogical composition and rock texture

car power

Wire speed

Structure of diamond segments

Block dimensions

Wire geometry during cutting

Water consumption machine vibration

Technical personnel

Techniques used

As the segments increases wear, the cutting rate and wire efficiency will decrease and the operation cost will increase. The most important issue in working with diamond cutting wire is to determine the operating conditions so that wear is minimized and efficiency is maximized.


Quarrying With a Diamond Wire Cutter Advantages

  • Wide user range
  • Less labor required
  • Noiseless operation
  • Powder particles or vibration No production
  • Very high efficiency
  • Low waste
  • Very good blocks quality produced for processing
  • The cutting possibility in very high dimensions
  • Stone throwing Absence


Quarrying With a Diamond Wire Cutter Disadvantages

  • Need for preliminary challenge
  • Water resources Provision
  • Relatively high operating costs
  • Need for skilled personnel




Iranian stone magazine, autumn and winter 2004, numbers 287 and 286.

Hamidi-Anarki, G., (1375), quarrying methods without mineral materials, Geological Organization.

Fazel Bastami, K., (2015), natural stone (quarrying), Roshan Rooz Publications.

Fahimi Far, Jamshid, 1381, “Investigating the natural and decorative stone competitiveness processing units in global markets”, second and third stage report, industrial research, educational and information plan, Industries and quarry Ministry.

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