Building stones use in the covering of internal walls and stairs and footings

Building stones use in the covering of internal walls and stairs and footings

 Interior wall covering

The internal walls of office buildings, public and health facilities, shops and dining halls may be covered with stone. The stones used for this application must have the following characteristics:

  • To be washable and durable against detergents.

  • Have low porosity.

  • Have good polishability.

  • Have a beautiful color and appearance.

Stones with a beautiful appearance are the best option for use in the interior walls of the building, and because they are used indoors, the resistance of the stone is less important compared to the stones used in the exterior of the building. Stones such as marble, marble, porcelain, etc., are a good choice for the interior due to their lack of contact with bad weather conditions. Of course, some people also use these stones inside the building due to the special color and streaks of travertine. These stones can create very beautiful effects in lobbies, steps, around elevator doors, stairwell walls, parking lot walls, etc.

Marble stones are a suitable place for parking lot walls; Because it is not exposed to direct sunlight, and also the parking lot walls are exposed to less abrasion and impact factors, and the detergents used in buildings for cleaning have less effect on marble stone.

Thanks to the introduction of new stone processing technologies, one of the new types of stone that has been welcomed for use in the interior is antique stone, which is used in the interior of the building, especially in the living room and rooms. Antique stone is the same stone with a different cut and without a sub, but it is produced by heating and baking the stone and has a special beauty. More than 99% of the stones that become antique are travertine stones.

Stairs and steps

The stone for use in stairs and treads, considering that it is subject to wear and possibly being hit, should have the following characteristics:

  • Having the ability to cut in one direction, which metamorphic rocks and some sedimentary rocks have this feature.

  • Have high impact resistance.

  • Be strong and hard.

  • Have relatively high abrasion resistance.

  • Have low porosity and water absorption.

  • Have a beautiful color and appearance.

  • Washable and stable against acids, bases and detergents.

The best option for choosing stepping stones and stepping stones is granite. This stone has a very high resistance. Due to the high price of granite, some people use second-grade marble on the stairs, which is a big mistake. The bright color and reasonable price of marble is the reason why many customers choose it. Depending on the budget, there are different options for buying stepping stones. If it is chosen for the stairs of office and commercial buildings and schools that have a lot of traffic, you must definitely use high quality marble and not second grade, otherwise the repair costs will be very high after a while.

The level of the staircase is a part of the building that is placed in the open space; Therefore, it must have enough friction so that it does not cause slipping and injury to the people who travel on it during rain and frost. To create the necessary friction on the surface of the stone, there are several methods such as axing the surface of the stone, grooving and highlighting the edge of the step.

If the stepping stones and under-stairs stones have high water absorption, they usually absorb dirt and liquids and leave a stain on the surface. After absorbing water, some stones dissolve the salts in them and bring them to the surface, and after evaporation, the scale remains in place and an ugly sight is created; Therefore, the stepping stones must have low water absorption, which granite and marble stones and all kinds of porcelain stones have low water absorption. Usually, detergents with an acidic composition are used to remove pollution and dirt from the stone; But travertine and marble stepping stones lose their polish and shine against acid; But granite stepping stone does not react against acid and there is no need for special arrangements for their installation and maintenance.

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