Exploration Stages

Exploration Stages


Before mining construction stone, the quarry must be identified and explored.   Exploration of quarries is carried out in two phasesof pee-jooyi  and exploration.

A- P. Atmospheric  reserves of construction stones

   Operation P.Y. Yee is carried out  in an area that may  be tens  or hundreds of square kilometers, with information  about the field of intelligology, geomorphology, vegetation and  the appropriate transport network that can be searched either by chance or using modern technology, including. Gis may be deployed to areas with potential for quarrying.
The principlesof the  methods of  building stone deposits are as follows (Nabiyan et al. 1991):
  1. 1- Using   maps  of the  neologist and utilization of other  available information, formations with stone units suitable for  construction rocks are  identified  and these units are visited at different levels of the formation. D. J.
  2. Take into  account the conditions of extraction, the possibilities   ofhand-watering and the creation of extractive chests.   In the event that the stones are exceptional buildings with high prices, the conditions of problem extraction may also  be cost-effective for the wateringofthe reserves.
  3. 3- The existence of large and healthy rocks abandoned on the hillside and the appearance color (e.g.  whiteness of the mountain) is the first step.   Those areas of M-set should be further investigated.
  4. 4- If   a stone unit is suitable for construction stone in terms of general specifications, it should be visited from different parts of the area and  blocks  without ribbar materials and with topographic slope and suitable location and mineral should be selected for further investigation.
  5. The mineral blocks or blocks in question should be visited  by DaqQater, in  addition to assessing the status of the YK Takton, the existence of seams and gaps, extraction conditions and facilities for the construction of extractive works chests and water-handed facilities.
  6. 6- A  relatively large and portable piece of stone is selected and transported  to the stone for the preparation of test  plaques.  The stone fragment is cut  to investigate the appearance of stone at different sections of cutting, abrasion and resistance in different directions and considering the experience of the stone-cutting worker, it is examined.
  7. If the preliminary studies confirm the suitability of the stone , the extraction of several cops  experimentally, in consultation with a master of stone extraction and using mineral facilities with  active mineral works and transporting the coupe to the stone, for experimental testing, preparation  of plaques     The standard, the study of the polishing surface of the stone in terms of beauty and marketing, can clarify the  problems and problems of extracting and preparing the coupe, in addition, in this regard, the technical conditions of cutting and preparing the plaque are determined  and all the necessary information is obtained by the MA. D. J.
  8. Visiting an expert and experienced miner, from the mineral block to confirm the work and plan for  the continuation of exploration operations,  can be useful  in preventing incomplete work and avoiding additional work and  the case  and  basically doing the right thing.

B- Exploration of  building stone deposits

Once the location of the quarry  is identified,  in order to determine  the  color and characteristics of the stone, the quality and amount of storage,  the  sample will be carried out, thus  evaluating the economic capability of the extraction operations  , if the economicality of the operation is proven,  the ability  to start the extraction operations after obtaining the necessary permits.


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